Organic Chemistry Level 3

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Below is the table of contents for this Study Guide. It's intended to give you a preview of what the Study Guide offers and the chemistry topics that are covered.

chemical formuale


Getting Started

Functional Groups

Naming Using IUPAC Conventions


Physical Properties

Carbon Chain Length (parent chain)

Covalent Bonding

Types of Formulae

Types of Chemical Reactions

Colour Coding


How Good are Your Study Habits?

Section 1 - Alkanes

Naming Alkanes

Straight-Chain Alkanes

Branch-Chain Alkanes

Physical and Chemical Properties of Alkanes

Physical Properties of Alkanes


Boiling Points and Melting Points

Electrical Conductance

Key Points on Physical Properties

Chemical Reactions of Alkanes

Combustion (Oxidation) Reaction

Substitution Reactions. Alkane to Haloalkane


Summary of Reactions of Alkanes

Learning Objectives


  • Alkanes-Quiz set 1. 52 mcq questions and answers.
  • Alkanes naming-Quiz set 2. 30 naming questions and answers.
  • Alkanes-Quiz set 3. 11 short answer questions and answers.
  • Alkanes-Quiz set 4. 14 short answer questions and answers.

Section 2 - Haloalkanes

Naming Haloalkanes

Classification of Haloalkanes: Primary (1o), Secondary (2o) and Tertiary (3o)

Physical and Chemical Properties of Haloalkanes

Physical Properties of Haloalkanes


Boiling Points and Melting Points

Electrical Conductance

Chemical Reactions of Haloalkanes

Haloalkane Synthesis

Substitution reaction. Haloalkane to Alcohol

Substitution Reaction. Haloalkane to Primary Amine

‘Major’ and ‘Minor’ Products from Haloalkane Elimination Reactions


Summary of Reactions of Haloalkanes

Learning Objectives


  • Haloalkanes set 1. 55 mcq and short answer questions and answers.
  • Haloalkanes-Quiz set 2. 54 short questions and answers.

Section 3 - Alkenes

Naming Alkenes

Straight-Chain Alkenes

Drawing and Naming Alkenes

Physical and Chemical Properties of Alkenes

Physical Properties (straight-chain alkenes only)


Melting Points and Boiling Points

Melting Points

Electrical Conductance

Chemical Reactions of Alkenes

Addition of Halogen (Br2 or Cl2): Halogenation

Addition of Hydrogen (H2): Hydrogenation

Addition of HCl, HBr, HF, HI: (Hydrohalogenation)

Addition of Water: (Hydration)

Addition Reaction Using an Unsymmetrical Alkene with an Unsymmetrical Reagent

Oxidation of Alkenes to Diols

Addition Polymerisation

Name and Uses of Four Different Polymers

Summary. Addition Polymerisation

Summary of Addition Reactions of Alkenes

Learning Objectives


  • Alkenes-Quiz set 1. 47 mcq and short answer questions and answers.
  • Alkenes-Quiz set 2. 40 exam questions and answers.

Section 4 - Alkynes

Naming Alkynes

Straight-Chain Alkynes

Branch-Chain Alkynes

Physical and Chemical Properties of Alkynes

Physical Properties of Alkynes


Boiling Points and Melting Points

Electrical Conductance

Chemical Reactions of Alkynes

Addition Reaction. Alkyne to an Alkene. (H2): Hydrogenation

Summary of an Addition Reaction of Alkynes

Learning Objectives


  • Alkynes-Quiz set 1. 10 mcq and short answer questions and answers.

Section 5 - Alcohols

Naming Alcohols

Classification of Alcohols: Primary (1o), Secondary (2o) and Tertiary (3o)

Physical and Chemical Properties of Alcohols

Physical Properties of Alcohols


Boiling Points and Melting Points

Electrical Conductance

Chemical Reactions of Alcohols

Combustion (oxidation)

Chemical Reactions of Alkanes

Oxidation (Combustion) Reaction





Summary of the Reactions of Alcohols

Learning Objectives


  • Alcohols-Quiz set 1. 43 mcq questions and answers.

Section 6 - Aldehydes

Naming Aldehydes

Structural Isomers

Physical and Chemical Properties of Aldehydes

Physical and Chemical Properties of Aldehydes

Physical Properties


Boiling Points and Melting Points

Electrical Conductance

Chemical Reactions of Aldehydes

Reduction of Aldehydes

Oxidation of Aldehydes

Summary of Oxidation Reactions

Learning Objectives


  • Aldehydes-Quiz set 1. 43 mcq questions and answers.

Section 7 - Ketones

Naming Ketones

Structural Isomers

Physical and Chemical Properties of Ketones

Physical Properties


Boiling Points and Melting Points

Electrical Conductance

Chemical Reactions of Ketones

Synthesis of Ketones

Reduction of Ketones

Reaction Summary

Learning Objectives


  • Ketones-Quiz set 1. 32 mcq questions and answers.

Section 8 - Carboxylic Acids

Naming Carboxylic Acids

Physical and Chemical Properties of Small Carboxylic Acids

Physical Properties of Carboxylic Acids


Boiling Points and Melting Points

Electrical Conductivity

Chemical Reactions of Carboxylic Acids

Acid-Base Reactions

Reaction with Water

Reaction with Carbonates and Hydrogen Carbonates (Weak Bases)

Reaction with NaOH (Strong Base)

Reaction with Primary Amines (Weak Bases)

Reaction With Reactive Metals

Summary of an Oxidation Reaction Leading to Carboxylic Acids

Learning Objectives


  • Carboxylic Acids-Quiz set 1. 56 mcq and short answer questions and answers.

Section 9 - Esters

Naming Esters

Physical and Chemical Properties of Small Esters

Physical Properties

Chemical Reactions


Synthesising Esters using Acyl Chlorides (Acid Chlorides)

Hydrolysis of Esters

Reaction of esters with Ammonia, NH3

Reaction Summary


Soap Making

Types of Soap

Learning Objectives


  • Esters-Quiz set 1. 24 mcq questions and answers.

Section 10 - Acyl Halides

Naming Acyl Halides (Acid Halides)

Physical and Chemical Properties of Small Acyl Halides

Physical Properties

Chemical Reactions

Synthesis of Acyl Chlorides

Reaction of Acyl Chlorides – Acyl Chloride to Carboxylic Acid

Reaction of Acyl Chlorides – Acyl Chloride to Ester (estertification)

Reaction of Acyl Chlorides – Acyl Chloride to Primary Amide (substitution)

Reaction of Acyl Chlorides – Acyl Chloride to Secondary Amide (substitution)

Learning Objectives


  • Acyl Chlorides-Quiz set 1. 12 mcq and short answer questions and answers.

Section 11 - Amides

Naming Amides

Physical and Chemical Properties of Amides

Physical Properties

Chemical reactions

Synthesis of Amides

Reaction of Acyl chlorides with Ammonia (dissolved in alcohol)

Reaction of Esters with Ammonia (dissolved in alcohol)

Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Salts of Carboxylic Acids

Reaction of Acyl Chlorides with Amines (R-NH2)

Chemical properties

Hydrolysis of Amides to Acids or Acid Salts

Learning Objectives

Hydrolysis of Amides to Acids or Acid Salts

Reaction Summary

Learning Objectives


  • Amides-Quiz set 1. 12 short answer questions and answers.

Section 12 - Primary Amines

Naming Primary Amines

Physical and Chemical Properties of Amines

Physical Properties of Amines


Melting Points and Boiling Points

Electrical Conductance

Chemical Reactions of Amines

Primary Amine Synthesis

Acid-Base Reactions

Reaction with Water

Reaction with Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) or Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)

Reaction with Organic Acids

Other Useful Clues to the Identity of Primary Amines

Naming Salts

Summary of a Substitution Reaction of Haloalkanes

Learning Objectives


  • Amines-Quiz set 1. 43 mcq questions and answers.
  • Amines-Quiz set 2. 24 mcq questions and answers.

Section 13 - Polymers and Proteins

Addition Polymerisation

Name and Uses of Four Different Polymers

Summary. Addition Polymerisation

Condensation Polymerisation


Hydrolysis of Polyamides

Natural Polymers - Proteins


Acid Hydrolysis of a Dipeptide (e.g., HCl)

Alkaline Hydrolysis of a Dipeptide (e.g., NaOH)

Learning Objectives


  • Polymers and Proteins-Quiz set 1. 31 mcq and short answer questions and answers.

Section 14 - Isomerism

Structural Isomerism


Geometric Isomerism

Optical Isomerism

2-Aminopropanoic Acid (alanine)

2-Hydroxypropanoic Acid (lactic acid)

Learning Objectives


  • Isomerism-Quiz set 1. 23 mcq and short answer questions and answers.

Section 15. How to Identify Selected Organic Compounds

Solubility in Water

pH, acid-base character; indicators; carbonates/hydrogen carbonates; reactive metals (Mg)

Reactions (with Colour Changes)

Reaction with Bromine Water

Reaction with MnO4-/H+ (no heat needed)

Reaction with MnO4-/H+, heat OR Cr2O72-/H+, heat

Lucas test (anhydrous ZnCl2/conc. HCl) for alcohols

Tollen’s reagent (oxidation reaction)

Fehling’s reagent (oxidation reaction)

Benedict’s reagent (oxidation reaction)

Acyl chlorides. Hydrolysis reaction in water

Learning Objectives


  • ID-Quiz set 1. 36 mcq and short answer questions and answers.

Section 16 - Key Reactions

Appendix 1 - The Official Prescription

Appendix 2 - AS91165 Study Checklist

Appendix 3 - Exam Resource Booklet

Appendix 4 - About the Author

Exam Paper Library

  • NCEA Exam Paper Library (2015-2023). Includes seven exam papers and examiner-level advice on how to answer all the questions.