Bonding, Structure & Energy Level 2
Below is the table of contents for this Study Guide. It's intended to give you a preview of what the Study Guide offers and the chemistry topics that are covered.
Section 1. Substance Types and Properties
Substance Types and Properties
Molecular Substances
Metallic Substances
Ionic Substances
Covalent Network Substances
Learning Objectives
- Substances/Particles-Quiz set 1. 44 mcq questions and answers.
- Substances/Particles-Quiz set 2. 16 mcq questions and answers.
Section 2. Lewis Structures & Molecular Shapes
Lewis Structures
How to Draw a Lewis Diagram
Boron (B) and Beryllium (Be)
Molecular Shape
How the Lewis structure can be Used to Determine the Shape of a Molecule – using VSEPR Theory
Double and Triple Bonds in VSEPR Theory
Molecular Polarity
Molecular Symmetry
Learning Objectives
- Lewis Structure and Shape-Quiz set 1. 84 mcq questions and answers.
- Lewis Structure and Shape-Quiz set 2. 25 short answer questions and answers.
Section 3 - Energy Changes
Thermochemical Principles
Classification of Reactions as Exothermic and Endothermic
Thermochemical Equations
Calculating ΔH Using Masses of Substances
Calculating ΔH Using Average Bond Energies
Learning Objectives
- Energy Changes-Quiz set 1. 20 mcq questions and answers.
- Energy Changes-Quiz set 2. 40 short answer questions and answers.
Appendix 1 - The Official Prescription
Appendix 2 - AS91164 Study Checklist
Appendix 3 - Exam Resource Booklet
Appendix 4 - About the Author
Exam Paper Library
- NCEA Exam Paper Library (2015-2023). Includes seven exam papers and examiner-level advice on how to answer all the questions.